Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's Been Going On At Car ER

          First of all, I just wanted to apologize for taking an insane amount of time to give any updates whatsoever. I'm new to the blogging world and still learning a lot so you'll have to bear with me. Thanks!
          So I wanted to give you all a little update about what's been going on here at Car ER. Particularly what kind of jobs we've been doing and what we've been preoccupied with. Later on, I will do a post of just mostly before and after pictures. (and hopefully it'll be within a couple weeks, not months like this post)

So now, here we go!

Repair / Refinish the right rear quarter panel on this Mercury Mariner.

In case anyone wondered what paint looks like in a can. :)

Refinish this entire Honda Accord. The car was keyed, so guys... Don't upset your girlfriends. (or vise versa)  =D

This Kia had a "fender bender."

We were celebrating "National Fix Your Prius Day!" :) (yeah, I just made that up)

This Mazda was hit on the underside in the front. Getting some front end parts replaced, including it's bolt on radiator support.

Making this VW Passats' dents go away.

This Chevy Avalanche getting ready for some front end work!

          Hope you all enjoyed our projects! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. Thanks for reading! Have an amazing day!

Car ER
1042 W Market St.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802